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Frequently Asked Questions


How is the VanConnect different to hot spotting from my phone, or using a router from the competition?

The VanConnect provides a superior connection to your data providers network. The VanConnect also provides you with a far better coverage for your RV WiFi network. The VanConnect is wired in to the 12V supply of the van, so you don’t have to worry about a flat phone battery.

Do I have to sign up to a mobile phone contract?

No, not if you don’t want to. VanConnect comes with a Telstra pre paid starter kit. You can use this starter kit or you can purchase a kit from your choice of data provider. With a pre paid kit you only pay for the data you use. You can also choose to get a contract for your VanConnect, some providers allow you to link the VanConnect to your existing phone contract.

Does it work everywhere?

VanConnect works with all major Australian data providers including Telstra, Vodafone and Optus. The superior external antenna allows you to connect to the providers network, where the competition does not. VanConnect operates on the full spectrum of 3G, 4G and 5G bands used by all major Australian data providers. Please refer to the VanConnect specifications for more detail.

I already have a Cel-Fi Go installed. Will the VanConnect work with a Cel-Fi Go and do I still require the external antenna for the VanConnect?

The VanConnect will be able to connect to the Cel-Fi Go in order to give you internet. The Cel-Fi Go picks up a 3G or 4G signal with an external antenna and then sends that same signal out again through a small internal antenna for you to receive. People refer to a Cel-Fi as a booster, but it is actually a repeater, that has a better antenna compared to your mobile phone. As long as the VanConnect is placed within the range of the Cel-Fi internal antenna, you will not necessarily require our external antenna.

However, the Cel-Fi Go units do not operate on the 2100MHz and 2600MHz frequencies used by Telstra, only on the 700, 850 and 1800MHz frequencies. The VanConnect External Antenna can connect to all Teltra, Optus and Vodafone frequencies, including the frequencies that the Cel-Fi unit cannot connect to.

The VanConnect also use a technology called “MIMO” (Multiple Input, Multiple Output) where they use multiple antennas to increase data speeds. The VanConnect uses 2×2 MIMO, but the Cel-Fi Go is not capable of this, as it is single antenna in and single antenna out. This means that your internet speed will effectively be halved by introducing a Cel-Fi Go. The Cel-Fi Go is designed for 3G voice calls, and it will help you to maintain a voice call in remote areas. This is what it is designed for, not internet data.

How do I set my Wi-Fi network name and password?

Step by step instructions are provided in the user guide.

Do I have to set up my antenna each time I set up the caravan?

No, the antenna is set and forget. You install the device once and then there is no more setup required.

Does VanConnect work with streaming video services such as YouTube, NetFlix and Disney+?

Yes, the dual band and MiMo features of the VanConnect allows you to stream content to multiple mobile devices at once over the caravan WiFi network.

What is the range of the VanConnect?

The external antenna provides WiFi coverage up to 100 metres.

How much power does the VanConnect use?

The VanConnect operates on 12V supplied by the caravan and requires 0.3A under typical use.

What warranty is supplied with the product?

The VanConnect comes with a 12 month hardware warranty.


No, you will not need to run an inverter or have access to mains power (240V). COSMO operates off your caravan 12V system, so that you can use it off grid, anywhere, anytime.

Normal gen 3 Starlink power consumption averages at 75-100W. On top of this you also have inverter losses that range between 8-10% of the load for a high quality inverter. This means that the total Starlink power consumption for caravan use is between 80-110W.
COSMO reduces this total power consumption to an average of 65-90W.

No, there is no requirement to modify any of the Starlink components.

Yes, the easiest way to access the Starlink administration dashboard is through the Starlink app and this doesn’t change when using COSMO. The Starlink app is available for iOS and Android devices.

Starlink Integration Kit

No, you will not need to run an inverter or have access to mains power (240V). The Starlink Integration Kit operates off your caravan 12V system, so that you can use it off grid, anywhere, anytime.

Normal Starlink power consumption when using the original Starlink router averages at 50-75W. On top of this you also have Inverter losses that range between 8-10% of the load for a high quality inverter. This means that the total Starlink power consumption for caravan use is between 55-80W.

The Cowfish Integration Kit reduces this total power consumption to an average of 30-40W, effectively halving your power usage.

No, you don’t have to modify any of the Starlink hardware if you don’t want to. We offer different connection packages, ranging from full weatherproof external connectors, to in-line adapters for those that do not want to cut the Starlink cable.

Yes, the easiest way to access the Starlink router administration dashboard is through the Starlink app and this doesn’t change when using the Integration Kit. The Starlink app is available for iOS and Android devices. To access Starlink from the app, be sure you are connected to your VanConnect Wifi network.

No, the VanConnect is preconfigured to accept the Integration Kit. The unit will automatically use Starlink internet when the integration kit is turned on, and switch back to 4G/5G when the Integration Kit is turned off.

No, the Starlink Integration Kit is an Add On system to the VanConnect system. The Integration Kit supplies power to the Starlink Dish and integrates it with the VanConnect. It is not a standalone product.

Can I use the Integration Kit with a different router?

We cannot guarantee that the Integration Kit will operate as intended with a 3rd party router. The VanConnect is preconfigured to function with the Integration Kit.

What warranty is supplied with the product?

The Starlink Integration Kit comes with a 12 month warranty.


How large is the VanTenna unit?

The VanTenna is 447mm x 447mm x 296mm. This is a lower profile then most roof mounted air-conditioning units.

Do I have to set up my antenna each time I set up the caravan?

No, that is the beauty of this antenna. After the antenna is permanently mounted on the roof, there is no more setup required. All you need to do is power up the device and you will receive TV signal.

Does the VanTenna receive analog and digital TV signal?

The VanTenna receives all your Free To Air television signal at superb HD quality. Analog TV signal has been turned off in Australia in 2013 and the VanTenna has been specifically designed with the Australian FreeView DVB-T standard in mind.

Can the VanTenna receive vertically and horizontally polarised signal?

Yes, the Cowfish VanTenna incorporates a unique design and utilizing additional antenna elements compared to a standard omni-directional antenna. The VanTenna is one of a kind and a true dual polarised antenna, receiving both vertical and horizontal signal.

How do I install the VanTenna if I already have another TV antenna on the caravan?

Simply install the existing antenna cable to the VanTenna and mount the unit to the roof. More detail is available in the online installation manual. We recommend having this completed by a certified caravan manufacturer or caravan repairer.

Does the VanTenna receive radio signal?

Yes, the VanTenna model A can receive AM and FM radio signal on top of digital TV and radio signal. The model B receives digital TV and radio signal, but does not include a built in AM/FM antenna.

How much power does the VanTenna use?

The VanTenna operates on 12V supplied by the caravan and requires up to 0.5A.

What warranty is supplied with the product?

The VanTenna comes with a 12 month warranty.